Don’t Branch Into
That Shop Extemporaneously, Yes Don’t!
You are on your way home, perhaps
from work or an event and here you are staring at this beautiful apparel that
is just too good to resist, YES! It’s tempting, it may even be the only one
that has ever been made, the world over. You may go in there and buy if the
year has been so bountiful to you, but if you are watching your purse or
wallet, check into the place make enquiry, then you can come back if it can fit
into your budget for the season, remember next year is just few days away.
Who Have You Gone To Shop Around With?
Though we hardly know why this
recession period is being unfair by leaving some people out, you have to ask
yourself where you stand, if that is answered, then you should know the kind of
person you go to shop around with, if you don’t want to buy only one thing from
morning till dawn, or clothe that you won’t have the shoe to wear it with or
probably find out that you have exhausted your budget while you are still on
item no. 3 with 5 more item to go. Some friends that have never bought anything
on their own, except those bought by that biggest boy in town or those that know where to buy cool recently used ones - bend down select will suddenly be
your fashion consultant, choose a friend that doesn't Live a fake life.
Make A List Based On Their Priority And Follow It!
Its not everyone that loves
shopping on line and when you intend to buy anything get a price or at least a
price range attached to every item you want, your purse or money in the bank
may not run dry – thanks to POS, but you would have spent far beyond your
expectation, perhaps you may get home only to discover that you left out some
things, then your shopping will continue the next day.
Always Go To A Market You Know To An Appreciable Extent
Don’t just wake up one beautiful
morning and decide to go to a market you don’t know how it operate, warning!
You are not going to a tourist destination for leisure and relaxation, it’s the
ultimate shopping experience. I was in a market doing my shopping and this man
came in with a guy that he picked inside the market to be his shopping guide –
little does he know that the guy has got commission on every goods bought by
anyone he brings in, an apparel I bought 12,000 Nigerian Naira, he both same
15k, also considering the time you may waste going to this market and probably
your inability to locate the right places for each type of goods, avoid doing
Always buy from a trusted Business Entity
A brand that have a lot of its
standard and quality to maintain will avoid at all cost to see its name
tarnished by selling substandard or cloned product. You may think you have
bought it real cheap only for you to discover that it’s the cloned one, shame
will not allow you to wear it to any event or even uploading on Instagram,
snap chat or any social media. You may not even worry yourself about how to know
the fake ones if you are going to buy from a brand with strong reputation of
Don’t pay before you have been giving the goods you may pay twice, due
to the rush
Don’t burden yourself with too many bags you may forget one and
probably won’t remember where it fell, use two bags at most.
Don’t tell the shop assistant or sales person to choose what’s best for
you, he/she will probably choose the one that is going to make them more profit
or the one that have stayed too long in the shelf.
Don’t bring your gadget, phone, wallet with you while shopping you may
drop one or two of it mistakenly when you are immersed in your shopping spree.
Try as much as possible not to make it easily noticeable that you don’t
know what you are buying, the seller will be afraid to bring a fake one to you
and you won’t overpay.
Happy festive season ahead.
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